April 2012 – 30A

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30A Video

Dolphins on the Bay

Love our resident dolphin families…

30A Video

Digital Graffiti’s Origins

Digital Graffiti founder Mike Ragsdale describes the origins of the concept for this amazing festival held every year in Alys…

30A Video

Robert Davis in Seaside, Florida

Seaside founder Robert Davis describes the history and inspiration behind Perspicasity, the beach town’s open air marketplace.

30A Video

Huge Dolphin Pod

The crew estimated that there were 1,000 or more dolphins in this pod. This video was taken about 60 miles…

Author Unknown

Author Unknown

A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work.

Doug Larson

Doug Larson

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.

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30A Launches New ’30A Gear’ Website

South Walton, Florida — (April 5, 2012) — 30A.com added to its growing network this week, with the launch of 30Agear.com,…

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