Here, on 30A, there is lots of fun to be had within the limits of the county laws. Everything you need to know about beach permits and rules required for certain beach activities is right here.
Driving your vehicle on the beach is not allowed at most beaches along 30A.
You can drive your vehicle at two accesses in Walton County: on Grayton Beach and Inlet Beach. And only if you meet the requirements, which include being a full-time Walton County Resident and Walton County property owners and/or Walton County-registered voters.
The eligible applicants are entered into a permit lottery and applications begin in April. Winners are later notified by email and can purchase a permit from the Clerk of Court.
Permits cost $135, are valid for one year, and are non-renewable. You can apply online.
Beach Bonfire on 30A!
‘Tis the season for ???? ???? beach bonfires! Be sure to do it right:
More info:
Posted by 30A on Thursday, 3 December 2020

Relaxing surrounded by friends and family around a fire, eating s’mores, and having a nice glass of 30A wine sounds pretty sweet. You might be wondering where you need to start, here’s what you need to know:
You need a permit. Bonfire permits can be obtained for any South Walton public beach access. To obtain a permit for a private location, applicants must have written permission from the property owner during the application process. There is a $50 permit fee (credit cards require an additional convenience fee).
You must have the permit present during the bonfire. If approved, the bonfire permit must be approved and presented upon request of fire officials or law enforcement officers.
All bonfires must be put out and cleaned up by 1 am. You can find more info on rules and regulations here.
There are many local companies who will take care of all of this for you and set up your bonfire where you’d like it.
Weddings and Events

Special events also require permits. This includes beach items and beach vending, jet ski vending, para-sail vending, temporary beach driving, and special events including weddings that take place on the beach.
Special Events
• $50 for less than 10 people
• $150 for 10 to 30 people
• $250 for 31 to 50 people
• $500 for 51 to 75 people
• $1,000 for 76+ people
More information on event permits can be found here.
Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace is a general rule: all items left on the beach overnight will be discarded to help maintain our beaches and provide a safe environment for our South Walton Sea Turtles.

Dogs on the beach? Sounds like heaven. Unfortunately, if you’re visiting, you might be disappointed to find that only locals are able to obtain these permits.
For the locals (Walton County residents and property owners) who are interested in beach days with their furry friends, submit an online application to apply for one of these permits. The permit costs $40, and they expire August 1 every year. Local dogs (with a permit) are allowed on the beach from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m year-round. Renewals are $40 and Lost Tag Replacements are $10.
The county has enacted a new code revision that sharing of dog tags (dog permits) is punishable by revocation of the owner’s dog permit for the beach. In other words, don’t share your dog permit with someone!
Drone operation is allowed on Walton County beaches by those permitted by the TDC otherwise authorized by Walton County.
Saltwater fishing also requires a permit for residents and non-residents.
Residents who only saltwater fish from the land or a structure attached to land, may get the resident recreational saltwater shoreline fishing license at no cost (except for convenience fees that apply on telephone and Internet orders).
Nonresidents must purchase a 3-day, 7-day or annual nonresident saltwater fishing license when saltwater fishing from the shore or a pier, bridge or jetty attached to the shore unless fishing on a pier with a pier license.
For more info on beach permits, click here.