It’s no secret that we ❤ the beach here at If you’ve been following us on Facebook, you know that we love sharing truly amazing beach stories, photos and videos every day!
From close encounters with marine life to unusual suspects enjoying the beach to finding whales where they’re least likely to be found, these are the videos that caught your eye!
This kayaking adventure will make you either scared or inspired – you decide!
Turns out, a lot of you were fascinated by the starfish walking on the beach…
These corgis on the beach stole the show. All 600 of them!
This curious whale lost on the marina generated a lot of interest (and yes, it made it back to the ocean okay):
Turns out, most of us had no clue what this was….
Ever wonder what those Pods on the beach were? Here is your answer.
Posted by Myrtle Beach Tips on Monday, 22 September 2014
If you liked these videos, you will LOVE all the cool posts we share on Facebook everyday!