We have over 133,000 awesome 30A Facebook fans, and over 2,000 of you are international fans! But I don’t think we ever fully understood or appreciated that fact, until we received this wonderful email last night from Jamie Conley of Davis Properties of Northwest Florida, Inc.:
“Tonight I was at Western Lake at sunset (see photo). I was getting ready to leave when this young couple rode up on bikes to take some photos. I struck up a conversation with them. Turns out they’re originally from Italy but living in Dubai, and they found our little piece of paradise from none other than … 30A.com! They said that they knew they wanted to visit after looking at www.30A.com and 30A’s Facebook page. They fell in love with it and decided to come. They LOVED all the photos and videos posted + all the local info about places to go and where to eat. This is their second visit!”
That’s so wonderful to hear, Jamie… thank you so much for sharing, and for reminding us that we have the best job and the best FANS in the world!
We hope everyone enjoys an EXTRAORDINARY weekend!!!