For the August Open Mic Night, please join us at Raw & Juicy on Thursday, August 10th and listen along to the brave storytellers as they share their written and spoken tales. As always, doors will open at 5 and stories will begin at 6 PM sharp. The theme for this evening will be: OVERCOMING THE ODDS and the Featured Storyteller will be Nadine Kenney Johnstone.
For those interested in taking the mic, we ask that you please email [email protected] to be considered for a reading spot and include your name, genre, a little bit about yourself, and what you plan to present. We’ve had a lot of requests and would like to give everyone a chance to share their stories! If there’s time for extra people, we’ll open the floor before our Featured Storyteller.
To buy tickets, click here.
Award-winning author Nadine Kenney Johnstone is a holistic writing coach who helps women develop and publish their stories. Her latest book, Come Home to Your Heart, is an essay collection and guided journal that helps readers tap into their innate wisdom. Her articles and interviews have appeared in Cosmo, Authority, MindBodyGreen, HERE, Urban Wellness, Natural Awakenings, Yogi Approved, and more. Nadine is the podcast host of Heart of the Story, where she shares stories from the heart as well as interviews with today’s most impactful female creatives. Pulling from her vast experience as a writing, meditation, and yoga nidra instructor, Nadine leads women’s workshops and retreats online and around the U.S. | Instagram: @nadinekenneyjohnstone
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