Bud & Alley’s Rauschkolb Named ‘Community Person of the Year’ – 30A

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Bud & Alley’s Rauschkolb Named ‘Community Person of the Year’

Each year during its annual board installation ceremony, the Northwest Florida Coast Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) recognizes a professional who has made a significant contribution within the field of public relations and has enriched the well-being…

Bud & Alley’s Rauschkolb Named ‘Community Person of the Year’
Andy Saczynski gifts Dave Rauschkolb a $250 gift certificate
Artist Andy Saczynski Presents Dave Rauschkolb with a $250 Gift Certificate

Each year during its annual board installation ceremony, the Northwest Florida Coast Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) recognizes a professional who has made a significant contribution within the field of public relations and has enriched the well-being of the community.

This year’s “Person of the Year” award was presented to Bud & Alley’s restaurant owner and Hands Across the Sand founder Dave Rauschkolb.

Rauschkolb is an environmental advocate and philanthropist who has been an integral part of the Northwest Florida community for nearly three decades. He opened Bud & Alley’s restaurant in Seaside in 1986, which was recently named one of the top 20 restaurants in Florida by Florida Trend magazine.

Rauschkolb has demonstrated his commitment to the region by becoming an early advocate promoting tourism in South Walton. He continuously supports and contributes to countless local charities and community causes and has vigorously championed the protection of our state’s precious natural resources.

In 2009 — two months before the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill — Rauschkolb founded Hands Across the Sand to bring attention to the importance of protecting our environment and coastal economies from the expansion of oil drilling into Florida’s waters and to compel state leaders to embrace clean energy industries. Hands Across the Sand has grown into a national and international event with tens of thousands of participants and world-wide media coverage. He continually serves as a spokesperson for tourism issues, and has been quoted in media around the world.

Florida Public Relations Association's 2013/2014 Board of Directors at the Installation Ceremony abord the Solaris (From L to R) Kay Phelan, Whitney Ladwig, Stacey Brady, Kelli Carter, Lori Smith, Jami Ray, Valeria Lento, Tracy Louthain, Andi Mahoney, & Jessica Proffitt
FPR’s 2013-14 Board of Directors Aboard the Solaris (L to R): Kay Phelan, Whitney Ladwig, Stacey Brady, Kelli Carter, Lori Smith, Jami Ray, Valeria Lento, Tracy Louthain, Andi Mahoney & Jessica Proffitt

The Northwest Florida Coast Chapter also recognized its 2013 Member of the Year, Jessica Proffitt, incoming president; and Ray presented the President’s Award to Katie Johnson, incoming Treasurer. Additionally, the chapter received an award for Professional Development from the state level of FPRA. 

1175174_615184235179899_72371893_nIn addition, the event included installation of the chapter’s new 2013-2014 board of directors. Members of the Northwest Florida Coast Chapter who were sworn in as officers of the chapter’s board of directors are Jessica Proffitt, president; Andi Mahoney, president-elect and accreditation chair; Jami Ray, outgoing president and program co-chair; Katie Johnson, secretary; Kay Phelan, treasurer; Lesan Gouge, program co-chair; Rhonda Murray and Renee Legere, membership co-chairs; Maggie Woods and Lori Leath Smith, communication co-chairs; Whitney Ladwig, time and attendance; Christy Milliken and Kelli Carter, image co-chairs; and Brooke Scholl and Erin Ingram, Holiday Toast on the Coast co-chairs. Chapter past presidents were also on hand for the “passing of the gavel” — Kay Phelan, Stacey Brady, Tracy Louthain, APR, Zandra Wolfgram and Jami Ray.

FPRA professional development sessions are held the third Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at various venues. The cost is $15 for members and $20 for non-members and includes networking, lunch and professional development speakers.

For more info, please visit: www.nwfcoastfpra.org


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