‘Raising the Dead’ Fundraiser for A Better South Walton — Oct 30 – 30A

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‘Raising the Dead’ Fundraiser for A Better South Walton — Oct 30

“Sometimes raising funds can be harder than raising the dead but when it comes to South Walton’s future, it’s worth the effort,” said Dave Rauschkolb, speaking on behalf of A Better South Walton. “Join us because there is no denying,…

‘Raising the Dead’ Fundraiser for A Better South Walton — Oct 30

“Sometimes raising funds can be harder than raising the dead but when it comes to South Walton’s future, it’s worth the effort,” said Dave Rauschkolb, speaking on behalf of A Better South Walton. “Join us because there is no denying, Walton County is getting a little spooky these days.”

The Raising the Dead fundraiser will be held on Friday, October 30, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Bud and Alley’s in Seaside. Come as your favorite zombie (or not)!

A $20 donation is requested at the door. Light hors d-oeuvres, beer/wine, music and a raffle including a BOTE Stand-up Paddle Board and a beautiful necklace from La Vie Est Belle Fine Pearls + Leather Jewelry by Wendy Mignot will be on offer.

A Better South Walton is exploring solutions to issues in South Walton County including proper allocation of tax dollars, governance, local representation and possible incorporation of South Walton as a municipality.

Earlier this year, a group of concerned locals came together to oppose the the building of a Hampton Inn in the Seagrove neighborhood. Rauschkolb said community members quickly realized that without a greater degree of input into a vision for the future, issues like the chain hotels will continue to come up.

Don't miss the raffle for the fabulous BOTE paddle board, generously donated by Pleat, Perry & Ritchie, P.A.
Don’t miss the raffle for the fabulous BOTE paddle board, donated by Pleat, Perry & Ritchie, P.A.


Incorporation of South Walton was discussed in a series of three community meetings held in May when residents, business owners and property owners were encouraged to voice their vision for the future of the area.

A Better South Walton commissioned a feasibility study that will answer many of the questions raised at the community meetings regarding our tax base, demographics and the viability of a municipality south of Choctawhatchee Bay.

“We are actively seeking donations to fund the feasibility study through our website A Better South Walton,” said Rauschkolb. “The data collected in the study will benefit all of Walton County regardless of whether incorporation goes forward or not.”

A Better South Walton has partnered with South Walton Community Council, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, to accept tax-deductible donations for this cause.

The second draft of the feasibility study has been completed and continues to be reviewed.

“We want to be sure that the study meets all the needs of our community and moves our efforts for local solutions forward,” said Rauschkolb.

A Better South Walton is encouraging a robust discussion of the results of the study. A series of meetings will be advertised and posted on their website with dates, times and locations soon.

For more info or to make a tax-deductible donation, email or visit A Better South Walton.


Seaside School Half Marathon + 5K – Feb 16-18, 2024

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