30A Q&A: Locals Tell All - 30A



30A Q&A: Locals Tell All

Co-owner, Louis Louis & Red Bar

1. What makes living at the beach so special?

It’s special because of the variety of people that we get to meet on a daily basis. I have met folks from all over the planet who chose to come here to relax and have fun. More importantly, living at our beach means that I can hug the neck of nearly all of our local population and truly consider them to not just be neighbors, but dear friends.

2. Three favorite local spots?

Three of my favorite local spots are The Bay, Johnny McTighes, and Grayton Seafood Co. If I am not enjoying or working in my own establishments, these are the spots that I frequent. Other than dining, I enjoy afternoons on Grayton Beach.

3. Best place for a night out?

My choice is Café Thirty-A. I love the long standing spirit of great service and wonderful food.

4. Most delicious menu item?

The Red Bar crab cake. (I know that I shouldn’t talk about our food, but I stand behind it 100%!)

5. What do you like to do in your free time?

In my precious free time you can find me out on the lake water skiing with Cory and Adam Pickos of the World Ski Center. They are the best coaches in the world! And, given the chance, you may find me a part of Grayton Girl Charters with Captain Jodi at the helm trying to catch dinner.

Are you a local or know someone who is? Want to be part of our ongoing 30A Q&A series?  Answer the five questions above and send a high-quality headshot (preferably horizontal. Only you in the photo, no kids, no pets, no spouse) to [email protected], and we just may include you next!  Due to number of submissions, we may not be able to use every submission, but we certainly thank you for taking part!

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