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Expressions in Acrylic by Coastal Branch Library Artists for June
Friends of the Coastal Branch Library are pleased to announce that they are now showcasing artwork by Marissa Benton, Cindi Newhouse, Joe Cunningham & Sharen Burns — all students of Personal Enrichment Acrylic Class at the Northwest Florida State College. While…
Updated On Jun 11, 2015 at 10:46 AM
From L to R: ‘Fox’ by Marissa Benton, ‘Waterfall’ by Cindi Newhouse & ‘Tree’ by Joe Cunningham
Friends of the Coastal Branch Library are pleased to announce that they are now showcasing artwork by Marissa Benton, Cindi Newhouse, Joe Cunningham & Sharen Burns — all students of Personal Enrichment Acrylic Class at the Northwest Florida State College.
‘Cow’ by Sharen Burns
While drawing from a wide range of subject matter, the participants express themselves through the use of acrylic paint application and various techniques. Suzanne LeLoup-West instructs in the use of various acrylic techniques. Participants choose their own subject matter and color pallet to develop their own unique style of painting.
The students’ paintings will be on display through the end of June. Call 850-267-9452 for more information.