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Seaside Celebrates 35 Years
By Lori Leath Smith Director of Public Relations, Seaside Recently, Seaside co-founders Robert and Daryl Davis, vice president and general manager Pam Avera, Seaside staff, merchants and homeowners, architects, community members and many friends of Seaside gathered to commemorate the…
Updated On Mar 9, 2017 at 3:27 PM
Seaside founder Robert Davis led a toast to celebrate the community's 35th anniversary.
By Lori Leath Smith
Director of Public Relations, Seaside
Recently, Seaside co-founders Robert and Daryl Davis, vice president and general manager Pam Avera, Seaside staff, merchants and homeowners, architects, community members and many friends of Seaside gathered to commemorate the past 35 years of the vibrant community and to help celebrate its success.
They met because in these last 35 years, Seaside has become important to them and being connected to it has had an impact on their lives in some way.
Along with the Davises, it’s the people who live, work and visit Seaside that helped to give it life. Now several generations of these folks who caught on to the Davises vision want to continue their legacy.
Listen to 30A Radio’s special feature on Seaside’s 35th Anniversary Celebrations:
It’s hard to imagine that Seaside started as just a dream that began with Robert’s grandfather, J.R. Smolian. But, Robert bought into the magic of his grandfather’s dream and finally, in 1981, Seaside was born. Since then, each “Seasider” has played an important role, helping establish Seaside’s personality and make it what it is today.
When the post office was built almost 30 years ago, it was only the second civic building in Seaside. Photo by Seaside.
Not only has this new urbanist community had far-reaching impact world-wide, but also in all of our hearts. Probably most can remember a time when Seaside made a difference in your life.
On the day of the ceremony, attendees were invited to share their experiences by coming to the microphone and sharing a fond memory or story. Seaside’s co-founder, Robert Davis, spoke and led all in a commemorative champagne toast.
Seaside’s fireworks display over the Gulf of Mexico. Photo by 30A Vibe.
Readers can continue to celebrate Seaside’s 35 years in several ways:
— A 35th Anniversary Commemorative stamp is available for purchase by the sheet or half sheet at The Seaside Post Office.
— Read the three-part series in The Seaside Times on Seaside’s history and anniversary
— Visit Seaside’s new Visitor’s Bureau which showcases Seaside history and milestones located at 121 Central Square, Holl Bldg., next to Modica Market
Below is the list of Guest Speakers who shared their insights on the evolution of Seaside:
Robert Davis, Micah Davis, Donna Spiers, Bill Dawson, Heavenly Dawson, Dave Rauschkolb, Marsha Dowler, Sarah Modica, Charles Modica Jr., Chris Kent, Makenzie Carter, Erica Pierce, John Seaborn, Kevin Boyle, Linda White, Kim Mixson, Carmel Modica, Meghan Harrison, Lisa Burwell, Sarah Walcutt, Larry Davis, Lynn Nesmith, Bob Irwin, Rick Montague, Jim Shirley, Tony Cook, Burt Trucksess, Karen Holland, Glen Seawell, Peter Horn & Alan Ficarra.
For more info, visit Seaside, or follow their updates on Facebook.