• 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM: Boats Transported onto the Beach by Official Permitted Vehicles
• 8:00 AM: On-site Race Registration
• 9:30 AM: Captain’s Meeting
• 10:30 AM: 24th Rags to Riches Regatta Race
• 1:00 PM: Awards Presentation
• 2:00 PM: Captain & Crew After-Party
An entry fee of $45 per boat will be collected for each registration, with fees donated to support SWARA. Spectators are also encouraged to join the festivities on the beach.
To register your boat for the race make a $45 donation HERE. You can also purchase a spectator’s ticket by make a $25 donation HERE.
Click here to check out the notice of Race. There will be giveaways from our local partners, and official Rags To Riches Regatta shirts will be available for purchase, with original art design by Chris Coleman. Beverages will be provided for a donation of $25 with a spectator’s wristband. Awards will be presented for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place finishers. The Captain and crew for each boat registered will receive a t-shirt and wristband for beverages on the beach.
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