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The 30A-List: 10 Fresh Ideas to Enjoy the Weekend!
Here are our picks for the week’s top events on 30A! 1. 30A E-Cruiser Electric Bike Demo Day: Thursday, March 21st, 5 – 7 p.m. YOLO Bike + Board and The 30A Company have collaborated on an electric cruiser bike to…
Updated On Mar 21, 2019 at 12:53 PM
Credit: Silver Shade Studios
Here are our picks for the week’s top events on 30A!
YOLO Bike + Board and The 30A Company have collaborated on an electric cruiser bike to help you travel farther and faster! Join in on March 21st at lululemon Grayton Beach to test one out for a spin down Highway 30-A!
Up for some crafty fun on the Western Green? Join in! Create your very own colorful keepsake rock to take home or hide around town. Also, don’t miss the first ever build your own bling bar! What’s Bling you ask? You will just have to come see for yourself! Think all things 3-D and Sparkly! Plus, we have more fun in store for you with Kids’ Karaoke!
This Saturday, Sundog Books is excited to introduce New Orleans-based writer Maurice Ruffin and celebrate the success of his debut novel, We Cast A Shadow.
Where: Sundog Books, 89 Central Square, Seaside, FL 32459
Join Alice and The REP actors as they make their way through this fantasy world where the unexpected is to always be expected. This is a complimentary event to the public. Bring your blankets, chairs, and snacks and be prepared for some fun!
For a FULL listing of events this weekend and every other day, visit the 30A Events Calendar. We have the most comprehensive listing of events, so check back often!
If you want to be included in the next 30A-List, let us hear from you!